A leader in pet groomer training for over 40 years!

International Accreditation

JKL is Certified and Internationally Accredited

Be an Informed Consumer, 
Your Career is Important to us, too!

Dog Grooming Certification Courses

The following information is offered to help you make the right groomer training decision for your individual needs and circumstances.  

"Your groomer training choice today can
determine your career success tomorrow"

JKL'S comprehensive dog grooming course sets the standard and is designed to meet the needs of the career seeker who wishes to earn certification. Our credentials are as follows:

  • IEAA (International Education Accreditation Authority)
     Internationally Accredited Training Courses and Facility
  • ESDC (Employment and Social Development Canada)
  • PTI (Private Training Institution Branch of BC) Exempt Status

We work with several Canadian organizations to help potential students obtain tuition funding for our programs of study:

  • EI (Employment Insurance) Skills Development Career Training Provider
  • CASS (Canadian Agriculture Skills Service) Registered Learning Activity Provider
  • Metis Society
  • First Nations Bands

JKL Training Academy has an impeccable track record:

Over 40 Years as a Successful
Career Training Institute  

That's a long time by anyone's standards! (We must have been doing something very right all these years.) The fact that we continue to be a strong, viable dog grooming career training school should speak volumes to you when making your career training selection.

$28,000 - $150,000 a year

CLICK HERE to view the most recent professional groomer income statistics, then get started on your exciting new dog grooming career today!

What are you waiting for?


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